Nik Peachey is a freelance writer, teacher trainer and learning technology consultant specialising in the field of digital technologies for English language teaching. He has been involved in ELT since 1992 and has worked all over the world delivering training and developing digital products for teachers and learners. He was the commissioning editor for the BBC – British Council’s Teaching English website from 2003 – 2007. In 2010 his Daily English Activities blog was shortlisted for a British Council Innovations award and in 2012 he won an Innovations award for the blended learning course he developed for Bell. His first book Digital Video - A Manual for Language Teachers: http://peacheypublications.com/books/digital-video-a-manual-for-language-teachers won the 2016 British Council Innovations Award (ELTon) for Innovation in Teacher Resources. He has since published two more books: 10 Lessons in Digital Literacy: http://peacheypublications.com/books/10-lessons-in-digital-literacy Exploiting Infographics - For Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking: http://peacheypublications.com/books/exploiting-infographics
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